At the societal level Sacred Space exists in the place of prayer and meditation, and in the retreat center.

There is a need for a new type of building in our culture today. Many groups, individuals, spiritual teachers and their students are gathering to further the evolution of consciousness on the planet through their own spiritual paths and personal development. Some of these groups are related to a specific religious practice, for which their place of worship serves. But many are not affiliated with a particular religion. For those who have no denominational affiliation there are few facilities designed for their particular needs, and those that do exist are often hard to find.

Maitrhea hopes this web site will help people to find information about retreat centers that are open to individuals and groups without a denominational affiliation. We would like to share information about little known retreat centers with one another, and discuss how to bring more such places into existence.

There are a growing number of people today who have a vision of some day starting a retreat center of their own. And there are many others searching for suitable places to serve their needs for sacred space in which to teach and to learn. By offering this site as a place for the sharing of such visions and needs, we hope to help facilitate their creation.

You can access a list of the retreat centers from around the world that will house retreats, intensives, and workshops not affiliated with any particular religion or denomination by visiting the Retreat Centers section.

As visitors to this site inform us of more such centers, we hope to make this list more comprehensive so that it will assist all non-denominational spiritual groups in finding appropriate sacred space for their gatherings.

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